Friday, January 22, 2010

Real Men Eat Quiche

Yes, I made quiche last night.  Specifically, tomato, spinach and feta quiche.  It was pretty freaking tasty, and simple to put together.  I got the recipe here and tweaked it a little to our tastes.  I wasn't a big phan of the phyllodough, it got a little too brown around the edges and flaked everywhere, but it was tasty.

I do plan on making it again, but I'll use regular pie crust, and mix up the veggies some.  Carol's only complaint about this was "Too much spinach, not enough cheese."

And my pal Jill shared this with me after I posted I made quiche.

Admittedly, that would have been be not so long ago. But 22 days into this, and it's going alright. And on a side note, my total cholesterol when I started this was 175. Seriously, 175. It''l be interesting to see where it is one year from now

1 comment:

Francy said...

175 is good, isn't it?